Seeds Information Availability (map)

Country Last update Local language Basic variety info Crop info Attribute info Links to original source Registration type Registration number Variety type First Reg Date Maintainer Breeder Language Crop Attributes Maturity Pest/Disease Resistance Yield Province Average updates/year Comment
SOUTH-AFRICA 2024-06-27 2 Source: Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, South Africa
RUSSIA 2023-05-26 2 Source: Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
UKRAINE 2024-06-20 2 Source: Ministry
of Agrarian policy and Food
of Ukraine
AUSTRIA 2024-11-07 Not yet 2 Source: Bundesamt für Ernährungssicherheit
BELGIUM 2024-07-15 2 Source:
Departement Landbouw en Visserij
BULGARIA 2025-03-07 2 Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Bulgaria
CZECH REP. 2024-07-12 2 Source: Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture (ÚKZÚZ)
Czech database has two datasets: EU and
National List. Under Czech Republic country in Homologa we add the National List only since for the EU dataset we have
EU as a country
EUROPEAN-UNION 2024-10-04 2 Source: European Commission
FRANCE 2024-09-25 2 Source: Geves/Semae/Arvalis
GERMANY 2025-01-16 2 Source: Bundessortenamt
GREECE 2024-07-16 2 Source: Ministry of Rural Development and Food Greece
HUNGARY 2024-08-05 2 Source: Nebih
IRELAND 2024-12-02 2 Source: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
ITALY 2024-06-13 2 Source: Ministero delle politiche Agricole alimentari, forestali e del turismo
LATVIA 2024-12-12 2 Source: State Plant Protection Service of the Republic of Latvia
LITHUANIA 2024-12-13 2 Source: State Plant Service under the Ministry of Agriculture
NETHERLANDS 2024-09-09 2 Source: Raad voor plantenrassen
PORTUGAL 2024-07-24 Partially 2 Source: Direção-Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária (DGAV)
ROMANIA 2024-07-31 2 Source: Ministerul Agriculturii si Dezvoltarii Rurale
SPAIN 2025-02-20 2 Source: Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación
SWEDEN 2024-12-30 2 Source: Jordbruksverket
UNITED KINGDOM (UK) 2025-02-11 2 Source: UK Government/AHDB
CHINA 2023-09-25 2 Source: Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
INDIA 2024-11-12 Not yet Not yet Not yet 2 Source: MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE &FARMERS WELFARE
JAPAN 2025-01-09 2 Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of JAPAN
Note: Japan has not approved any commodity GM crops to
be grown in Japan
ARGENTINA 2025-02-06 2 Source: Instituto Nacional de Semillas
Note: This source provides with expiration dates in the future despite the
variety being cancelled. Therefore, in those cases fake expiration dates have been created by Homologa
BRAZIL 2025-01-24 Partially Partially 2 Source: Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento
CHILE 2024-12-10 2 Source: Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, Ministerio de Agricultura Chile
MEXICO 2024-12-19 2 Source: Gobierno de México
PARAGUAY 2025-02-14 Partially 2 Source: Senave Paraguay
URUGUAY 2025-02-27 2 Source: INASE Uruguay
TURKEY 2024-07-03 2 Source: Ministry Of Agriculture And Forestry, Republic Of Türkiye
CANADA 2025-02-03 2 Source: Goverment of Canada, Canadian Food Inspection Agency
USA-CDMS 2025-01-30 2 Source: CDMS
AUSTRALIA 2025-02-24 2 Source: IP Australia, Australian Government
NEW ZEALAND 2024-10-08 2 Source: New Zealand Intellectual Property Office