Disponibilidade de informações sobre Proteção de Plantas (mapa)

País Última atualização Média de atualizações/ano Comentários Idioma local Informação básica do produto Informação da cultura Praga info I.S. Informação BPA Uso não mencionado na etiqueta/Uso menor Autorizações de emergência/temporárias Tratamento de semente Importação paralela Adjuvantes Padrões de Certificação Símbolos Frases de risco
ÁFRICA DO SUL 2025-01-27 12 Ministry Parcialmente Parcialmente No
ARGÉLIA 2023-05-30 1 Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Parcialmente
BOTSWANA 2025-01-28 1
CAMARÕES 2024-04-16 1 Updates are not regular Parcialmente
CSP-COM.SAHELIEN PESTICIDES 2024-06-20 2 Source: Institut du Sahel (INSAH) - Comité Sahélien des Pesticides (CSP). Sahel Pesticides Committee CSP. 13 Member
States: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Chad, Côte D'Ivoire, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Niger,
Senegal and Togo.
EGITO 2025-02-13 6 Source: Agricultural Pesticide Committee (APC) Parcialmente
GANA 2024-12-27 1 Source: Private
MALAWI 2024-02-29 1
MARROCOS 2025-02-19 6 Source: ONSSA Homologation des Intrants Chimiques
MOÇAMBIQUE Irregular Private source
NIGÉRIA 2023-07-06 1 Private source
QUÉNIA 2024-12-05 4 Source: Pest Control Products Board (PCPB) Parcialmente
SENEGAL 2024-05-02 1
TUNÍSIA 2020-11-16 1 Source: Portail Agricole Flehetna Parcialmente Organic production
UGANDA 2022-07-12 1 Source: Ministry of Agriculture
ZIMBABWE 2024-12-18 Irregular Private source (only tobacco as crop) Parcialmente
BIELORRÚSSIA 2024-10-22 4 Source: Главная государственная инспекция по семеноводству, карантину и защите растений
CAZAQUISTÃO 2024-03-21 2 Source: Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Parcialmente Parcialmente
MOLDÁVIA 2024-12-09 1 Source: Ministerul Agriculturii, Dezvoltării Regionale și Mediului Parcialmente
RÚSSIA 2024-07-18 5 Source: Министерство сельского хозяйства Российской Федерации (Ministry/pdf)
UCRÂNIA 2025-01-14 4 Source: Official book & Ministry (Міністерство енергетики та захисту довкілля України) Parcialmente Parcialmente
UZBEQUISTÃO 2023-11-29 1 Source: Ministry
ALEMANHA 2025-02-03 12 Source: Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL) - Federal Office of Consumer Protection and
Food Safety
Organic production
ÁUSTRIA 2025-01-27 12 Source: Bundesamt für Ernährungssicherheit - Österreichische Agentur für Ernährungssicherheit -
Pflanzenschutzmittelregister (Austrian Ministry)
Organic production
BÉLGICA 2025-02-19 12 Source: Phytoweb Produits Phytopharmaceutiques et Engrais (Ministry) Organic production
BULGÁRIA 2024-01-05 1 Source: Българска агенция по безопасност на храните (БАБХ) (Ministry)
CHIPRE 2024-05-28 1 Source: Υπουργείο Γεωργίας, Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης και εριβάλλοντος (Ministry) No
CROÁCIA 2025-02-07 5 Source: Ministarstvo Poljoprivrede (Ministry) Organic production
DINAMARCA 2025-02-06 10 Source: Middeldatabasen (SEGES)
ESLOVÁQUIA 2025-02-21 7 Source: Central Control and Testing Institute in Agriculture (Ústredný kontrolný a skúšobný ústav poľnohospodársky -
Organic production
ESLOVÉNIA 2025-02-07 6 Source: Republika Slovenija. Ministrstvo za Kmetijstvo Gozdarstvo in Prehrano Parcialmente
ESPANHA 2025-02-06 18 (3/2months) Source: MAPA Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación (Ministry)
ESTÓNIA 2025-02-03 12 Source: Põllumajandusamet (Ministry) Organic production
FINLÂNDIA 2024-11-27 5 Source: Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes) Parcialmente Parcialmente
FRANÇA 2025-02-10 12 Source: Lexagri. Only commercially available products and industry-validated uses are included. Organic production
FRANÇA-EPHY 2025-01-30 10 Source: E-Phy website managed by ANSES (Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et
du travail). This registration data includes the crops of the corresponding crop categories as defined in the French
catalogue of uses.
Organic production
GRÉCIA 2024-12-17 6 Source: Ministry No
HUNGRIA 2025-02-18 6 Source: Ministry and private Parcialmente Parcialmente Parcialmente
IRLANDA 2024-12-17 4 Source: The Pesticide Registration and Controls Divisions. Registration date: Date in which the product was introduced
in the website
Parcialmente Parcialmente Parcialmente
ISLÂNDIA 2024-10-14 2 Source: Ministry (The Environment Agency of Iceland) Parcialmente Parcialmente Parcialmente
ITÁLIA 2025-02-09 12 Source: Ministero della Salute. Parcialmente Organic production Parcialmente Parcialmente
LETÓNIA 2024-12-30 6 Source: Valsts augu aizsardzības dienests (Ministry) Organic production
LITUÂNIA 2025-01-16 5 Source: Valstybinė augalininkystės tarnyba prie Žemės ūkio ministerijos Organic production
MALTA 2024-12-09 4 Source: Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority (MCCAA)
NORUEGA 2025-01-20 6 Source: Norwegian Food Safety Authority
PAÍSES BAIXOS 2025-02-11 12 Source: Dutch Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb - College voor de toelating
van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en biociden)
Organic production
POLÓNIA 2025-01-28 10 Source: Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi. Temporary products have also been gathered and uploaded. Organic production
PORTUGAL 2025-01-29 11 Source: Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária Parcialmente Parcialmente Parcialmente Parcialmente Organic production
REINO UNIDO 2025-01-15 12 Source FERA
REPÚBLICA CHECA 2024-11-22 6 Source: Ústřední kontrolní a zkušební ústav zemědělský (ÚKZÚZ) - Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in
Organic production
ROMÉNIA 2025-02-04 4 Source: Ministerul Agriculturii Pădurilor şi Dezvoltării Rurale (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) Parcialmente Parcialmente
SÉRVIA 2024-11-15 1 Source: Ministry (Ministry of agriculture, forestry and water management) Parcialmente
SUÉCIA 2025-01-23 6 Source: Swedish Chemicals Agency(KEMI)
SUÍÇA 2025-01-29 12 Source: Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft BLW – Pflanzenschutzmittelverzeichnis / Office fédéral de l'agriculture OFAG –
Index des produits phytosanitaires (Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture)
Organic production
BANGLADESH 2022-03-08 Irregular Source: কৃষি মন্ত্রণালয় (Ministry Of Agriculture) Parcialmente Parcialmente
CHINA 2025-02-04 12 Source: Institute for the Control of Agrochemicals, Ministry of Agriculture (ICAMA) Parcialmente
COREIA DO SUL 2024-12-24 6 Source: National Institute of Agricultural Science Parcialmente
FILIPINAS 2024-09-02 2 Source: Fertilizer and pesticide authority Parcialmente
ÍNDIA 2025-01-31 12 Source: Directorate Of Plant Protection, Quarantine And Storage(Ministry of Agriculture) Parcialmente
JAPÃO 2025-02-04 12 Source: Ministry
MALÁSIA 2024-12-16 1 Source: Sistem Maklumat Racun Perosak (SISMARP) - Pesticide Information System. Kementerian pertanian dan industri asas
tani - Ministry of Agriculture and agro-based Industry.
PAQUISTÃO 2020-02-07 Irregular Source: Pakistan Agricultural Research Council Ministry Of National Food Security And Research, year 2018 (Note: Company
information is not available on source)
SRI LANKA 2020-09-11 1 Source: Office of the Registrar of Pesticides. Department of Agriculture.(Note: Company information not available on
Parcialmente Parcialmente
TAILÂNDIA 2024-11-18 1 Source: Office of Agricultural Research and Development (Ministry).
TAIWAN 2024-11-21 3 Source: Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, Council of Agriculture(Ministry) Parcialmente
VIETNAME 2024-10-29 1 Source: Ministry(Ministry of agriculture and rural development) Parcialmente
ARGENTINA 2025-01-24 3 Source: Ministry(SENASA) and private Parcialmente Parcialmente Parcialmente Parcialmente
BOLÍVIA 2025-01-14 4 Source: Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria e Inocuidad Alimentaria (SENASAG) Parcialmente
BRASIL 2025-02-05 10 Source: Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento. Homologa gathers the information from the labels published
by the holders in the gov website Agrofit and also the information published in legislative acts (ATO) in DOU (Brazilian
gov. gazette)
Note: weeds are not entered in a one-by-one basis, only as "weeds"
Organic production
CHILE 2025-01-23 8 Source: SAG Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero Organic production
COLÔMBIA 2024-11-05 4 Source: Ministry Parcialmente Parcialmente
COSTA RICA 2025-01-03 3 Source: Servicio Fitosanitario del Estado (Crops and pest info) Parcialmente Parcialmente
EQUADOR 2024-12-20 2 Source: Agencia de regulación y control fito y zoosanitario Parcialmente Parcialmente
JAMAICA 2021-04-21 2 Source: Ministry
MÉXICO 2024-11-07 4 Source: Ministry Parcialmente Parcialmente No
PARAGUAI 2024-12-19 1 Source:Servicio Nacional de Calidad y Sanidad Vegetal y de Semillas(SENAVE).We do not maintain crops and GAP
Parcialmente Parcialmente Parcialmente Parcialmente
PERU 2024-11-21 3 Source: Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria - SENASA. Note: Crops have been gathered just from SIGIA HTML platform.
SIGIA site displays several labels for the same product. Homologa just relies on the HTML for crops, doses, PHI, etc.
URUGUAI 2025-01-17 4 Source: Ministerio de ganaderia, agricultura y pesca (MGAP) Parcialmente Parcialmente Parcialmente
ISRAEL 2025-01-23 4 Source: משרד החקלאות ופיתוח הכפר (Ministry of Agriculture) Parcialmente Parcialmente Organic production
TURQUIA 2025-02-21 6 Source: Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı. All doses, seed-treatment methods and PHIs displayed in the source are in
Homologa. The rest of GAP is partially covered(i.e. stages, temporary uses, methods, etc.). Minor uses are not defined
in the source.
Parcialmente Parcialmente Parcialmente Parcialmente Organic production
CANADÁ 2025-02-06 11 Source: PMRA
Note: weeds are not entered in a one-by-one basis, only as "weeds"
ESTADOS UNIDOS 2025-02-19 11 Source: EPA. Not pests or GAP information(pests available on CDMS). No download available for this source). Special
Local Needs (SLN) coded by EPA are included
ESTADOS UNIDOS-CDMS 2025-01-22 11 Data is not available for download. A special license from CDMS is required.
AUSTRÁLIA 2025-02-14 11 Permits added for each product with the same granularity as the products. Existing permits are reviewed and new ones are
added monthly at crop/pest level. Last review 12/08/2024
NOVA ZELÂNDIA 2025-01-30 11 Source: Ministry for Primary Industries